
Forgot password mail ok, but link redirect to login

janschroeven opened this issue · 3 comments


I configured your app, which is great, but i cannot get the forgot password to work.
If go to forgot password, i correctly get the email with the link, but everytilme i get redirected to the login page.

The token and email in the link are correct, i veriefied them in the database, so
$is_correct = $this->login_model->checkActivationDetails($email, $activation_id); should return 1.
But for some reason it does not.

Could you please help?



I found the issue. In the Login_model.php for method checkActivationDetails($email, $activation_id) there was return $query->num_rows; which should be return $query->num_rows();

@janschroeven : Hi, thanks for such silly mistake I have done. I just resolved this bug in new commit. Thanks once again.

@kishor10d no problem, easy to overlook some brackets :)