
multiple active session problem

gubba12 opened this issue · 4 comments

I keep loading up yiffspot and it says I have another active session but theres nothing else opened up. I shut down my browser and restarted my phone but nothing changed. the only abnormal thing I saw was over 300 people were online

I've been experiencing the same issue (on PC) this morning (CET 8:10) I woke up because I figured there would be more people online due to time zones. I was right but, i've never seen 500 people on Yiffspot. Maybe someone gave a shoutout for the page and it casued the servers to break? Still that would not explain the active session error.

I assumed something else. like 4chan people coming in and overloading the stuff...or something to do with ip addresses but im no computer guy

It'd be the best if there was like 500 people online every day. It's kinda hard to find partners if there is only 20 users online. However by looking at the site's state I think the problem lies in the servers. I'd be nervous as well if 500 people showd up instead of 20 of my friends. :'D

You guys still having this issue? It seems something went crazy on the server. I did a restart and reinstall of the app and it seems to be okay now.