
PSRAM useful for WS2812FX?

EherXtrem opened this issue · 4 comments

I have an ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N8R8 with 8MB Octal PSRAM. Is it possible to use the pseudo SRAM to add more LEDs?

At the moment, I don't think so. After just a cursory scan of the ESP32 RMT driver included with the NeoPixel library (which WS2812FX extends), it doesn't look like there's any support for using PSRAM to store LED data.

Depending on what else is gobbling up memory in your sketch, you may be able to use PSRAM for other features of your sketch (frame buffers, large dataset storage and such), and so free up some regular SRAM to use for LEDs.

THX for your support :)

(Drive-by comment) That may be a driver limitation In S3, unlike earlier ESP32s, the SPI, at least, can DMA vi EDMA from the PSRAM. If it's a driver that came from older ESP32 implementations, it may not know that trick. ESP-IDF only learned that trick in the last rev or two.

It may thus ultimately be possible to implement it, but someone is going to sink some work into it: (Note the difference in the next if you choose ESP32-S3 vs. ESP32 in the left panel.)

This issue seems to have gone stale, so I'm closing.