
kitodo-demo differ to demo installation: Inhaltsverzeichnis / Table of Content

BFallert opened this issue · 5 comments

The demo installation (at differ from the kitodo/kitodo-demo.

In the demo installation:

<div id="c6" class="csc-default"><div class="tx-dlf-toc">
    <div class="detail-view-itemcontents">
        <div class="dropdown-menu">
            <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox-menu1">
            <label for="checkbox-menu1">Inhaltsverzeichnis</label>
                <li class="tx-dlf-toc-act tx-dlf-toc-ifsub">

In kitodo/kitodo-demo:

<a id="cXXX"></a>
<div class="tx-dlf-TableOfContents">
        <li class="tx-dlf-toc-act tx-dlf-toc-ifsub">

Probably the template Resources/Private/Template/DetailTemplate.html is different?

I used the wrong Template!

I used the template from

  • kitodo-presentation/Resources/Private/Template/TableOfContents.tmpl

but i have to use

  • presentation_package/Resources/Public/PluginTemplates/toc.tmpl

I can not use both templates directly, I have to copy them to a directory in fileadmin first.

If I insert the code directly within the template Resources/Private/Template/DetailTemplate.html, the opening and closing of the table of contents will not work.

Is this the right way that i have to copy the template files from presentation_package/Resources/Public/PluginTemplates/ into the fileadmin directory?

@chrizzor: Is this the right way that i have to copy the template files from presentation_package/Resources/Public/PluginTemplates/ into the fileadmin directory?

I would say that there is no "right way".
You can copy them to fileadmin or upload each file directly.
As long as they are available in the backend, it is the right way.

@BFallert: Yes, it is the right way to maintain your own copies of the template files outside the extension directory. That way you can update the extension without overwriting your custom templates.