
Missing composer repository /app when building typo3 docker container

claussni opened this issue · 0 comments


Attempt to build the TYPO3 images failed because of an error in Dockerfile-TYPO3 that was previously masked by PHP Composer behavior. The local file PHP Composer repository /app is not yet mounted when the composer require steps are started:

Step 9/11 : RUN composer require devlog/devlog:~3.0.4 &&     composer require kitodo/presentation
 ---> Running in 3d770007d9ce
  The `url` supplied for the path (/app) repository does not exist


The issue seem to come up with newer Composer versions. Even if the docker-compose file includes a volumes section, those volumes are not mounted before the image build. Thus "/app" is not available in the Docker container at build time and can not serve as Composer repository until the call to COPY /app.

The only reason why this could have worked before must be different handling of missing repositories in PHP composer. There are hints to such changes in regarding symlink repositories.


The Dockerfile.TYPO3 needs to be fixed. In order to give PHP Composer access to the local repository, the COPY /app statement needs to happen before the first composer require calls.