FogBugz to HTML

Quick commit of the mishmash pile of python etc. that I used to "download" the pages of my workplace's instance. Start in if you're ready for the madness, I also attempted to keep a TODO list in

In short, I used playwright to run a Chrome(ium) instance that opened each FogBugz case page and downloaded the rendered html. I then used Beautiful Soup 4 ( to read the downloaded page and strip out all the unwanted bits.

I created SQLite files to help figure out what was in the bits I wanted to keep, made janky csv files full of poor-man's enumerators (i.e avatars.csv, attachments.csv, wikis.csv and so on...) which powered some of the soup logic.

I did a pass for grabbing the wiki HTML and attachment files directly out of an old SQL 2008 R2 backup copy (see the .linq files) that Fog Creek would still send you if you asked nicely, but then I realized that using the API was a better way to go (see and I also grabbed a ton of the json that the API put out while I was at it (download_fogbugz_case_json).

I manually grabbed and trimmed down the stylesheets and they were manually renamed and re-referenced, so this isn't considered portable or particularly reusable. I tried to clear out any personally identifiable parts like API keys, usernames, or passwords. It was a fun multi-hour project that I wanted to keep the bits around in case I wanted to look at it again.

Kit Roed
Jan 2024