Anyway to apply default theme to all PuSkeleton elements in the project without having to use PuSkeletonTheme?
Bigdragon13th opened this issue · 2 comments
Issue I'm having now is that, I want every <PuSkeleton />
in the project to have the same styles (more specific, same color, highlight and duration). Using <PuSkeletonTheme />
I can set those attributes, but only for its children. How can I apply that to all of them? Is there a way to specific those in something like default options in Vue.use?
For example
import Vue from 'vue';
import Skeleton from 'vue-loading-skeleton';
Vue.use(Skeleton, { ...defaultOptions });
use (provide/inject API)[] to inject a theme object to all child component.
You can use this component as a Top-level component to control all <PuSkeleton />
Oh, this mean even if <PuSkeleton />
is in another file, as long as it's under the same SkeletonTheme
, the theme will still applied! Thanks for the answer, I've tested it and it works!
Just in case someone looking for the same solution, here's my example (in Nuxt)
highlight="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)"
<TheMainHeader />
<main class="page-container">
<Nuxt />
In skeleton file:
<!-- The theme from layout will still apply to this component -->