
push latest Hackage version 0.2.1 to this git repo

Closed this issue · 12 comments

juhp commented whereas this repo is still version 0.2.0.

juhp commented

See also GHSA-7gc6-9qr5-hc85
(I can submit a patch of the github/cmark-gfm C changes if it helps, which I prepared for Fedora.)

Ah, it was tagged but not on master somehow. Will fixup.

I'll publish 0.2.2 shortly with the table fixup. Thanks for letting me know.

0.2.2 has been released and is on Hackage.

juhp commented

Thanks a lot!

juhp commented

Asherah, do you know how to reproduce the O(n^2) table issue with pandoc?
So far I couldn't but I am not sure if I am using the right/needed gfm extensions etc.

I tried python -c 'print("aaa\rbbb\n-\v\n" * 30000)' | time pandoc -f gfm but that only takes ~7s on my laptop.
Whereas the corresponding pathological test takes >60s with cmark-gfm-0.29.0.gfm.0.

cc @jgm

edit: I tried now with gfm+pipe_tables too.

jgm commented

pandoc doesn't use this library any more -- we use commonmark, commonmark-extensions, commonmark-pandoc.
(Assuming you're using recent pandoc)

juhp commented

I know John, we communicated in email too recently.
But I am trying to reproduce this with pandoc-2.9 and earlier, thanks!

Asherah, do you know how to reproduce the O(n^2) table issue with pandoc?

Unfortunately I have no experience with pandoc!

juhp commented

Okay I was starting to wonder if even cmark-gfm-hs is directly affected or not?

I will try to make some test to see about that.

juhp commented

Okay I can reproduce pretty easily for 0.2.1 with

commonmarkToHtml [] [extTable] (T.replicate 30000 "aaa\rbbb\n-\v\n")

inside test-cmark.hs

juhp commented

Just FYI I did manage in the end recently to reproduce this also with pandoc in ghci at least:

:set -XOverloadedStrings
import qualified Data.Text as T
runPure $ readCommonMark (def {readerExtensions = githubMarkdownExtensions }) (T.replicate 3000 "aaa\rbbb\n-\v\n")

But afaict the pandoc program's preprocessing filters out the '\r' before it reaches readCommonMark, so it might not be affected?