
does this work on m1 Mac as I am getting error when trying to run

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SX-1.25/rombundler ; exit;
Could not parse config.ini

Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

[Process completed]

and there is my ini file

title = Shrine Maiden Shizuka Demo 2
core = ./gambatte_libretro.dylib
rom = ./
swap_interval = 1
fullscreen = true
scale = 3
hide_cursor = false
map_analog_to_dpad = true

and I just run the rombuilder file

am I missing anything

You might be running the executable in a different CWD than where your ini file is (maybe double clicking at executable file). To make it work go to the terminal, enter in the folder where is your config.ini is. Run the rombundler from there.