Got dlopen error on Foundation
mrhdias opened this issue · 2 comments
On OS X Yosemite with Xcode 7.2.1
I always got "Got dlopen error on Foundation" message
nano -w pyobjus-master/pyobjus/_runtime.h
But looking at my own system the initial /Groups/ is not a valid directory
Is this fixed? I have the same issue:
Got fallback dlopen error on Foundation: dlopen(/Groups/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/Current/Foundation, 1): image not found
And one error before that one:
Got dlopen error on Foundation: dlopen(/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/Current/Foundation, 1): image not found
The last directory does actually exist. Any ideas what causes the trouble?
Running Xcode 8.2 on OSX Sierra (10.12.1)
I realize this is closed and from a while ago but I am running into the same issue now and in following the merged issue, the solution isn't clear to me. @MounirHader did you ever figure it out? I am getting the exact messages but this time on Xcode 10.1, OSX High Sierra.