
Unable to specify kivymd as a requirement in a Docker container

MariyaSha opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi community! I'm working on a new tutorial for a KivyMD app that runs in a Docker container.
I can run it perfectly in an Anaconda environment, but when it comes to containerizing it, I can't seem to find an existing solution online.

I've generated the generic Docker necessities with: docker init
The Python version I selected is 3.10, my operating system is WSL2, and the current content of my requirements.txt file is simply:


(please note, I've tried many variations of specifying the requirements, including detailed versions and github clones)

When I run my container, I get the following error message:

This error is triggered by the very first line of code: from import MDApp
And I believe that it has to do with a lack of permissions for Kivy to create new directories within the container environment.
I wonder if anyone can help me with a workaround? I'd really appreciate it as it's been a while since I've featured KivyMD on my channel! :)

BTW: I also tried skipping requirements.txt and installing KivyMd directly from the Dockerfile with:
RUN pip install kivymd
But unfortunately, I'm getting the same error.

Thank you so much in advance!

Which is the Docker base image that you are using? Did you try with Buildozer?

Another possible idea: #1070. I see you are using python:3.10-slim. Try with 3.12.4-bookworm (a newer version and complete; the -slim versions usually don´t have all the libraries or compilation headers, so it is a better idea to use a full image).

Thank you @eisenheimjelid! I just tried installing 3.12.4-bookworm but unfortunately it returns the same error.

The base image is automatically set by docker init when choosing Python as the application platform.
Inside the Dockerfile, it looks like this:

FROM python:${PYTHON_VERSION}-slim as base

(therefore the -slim tag you noticed earlier)

I've used Buildozer before to create .apk for Android, but the app I'm building is meant to run in a desktop environment rather than a mobile one. Just struggling with getting KivyMD installed inside the container (and it looks like Kivy as well).

Thanks again for your help!

Solved by lovely absurdi57 from X:


Sample Python File:



X Server for Windows (allows GUIs in WSL2):
How to Install Tutorial:
Server Repo:

Credit: and absurdi57, of course!