- 7
Fix padding on InputField suffix
#2308 opened - 5
Remove all sizes from AlertButton besides small
#2307 opened - 0
- 0
Add "improve" type to commitlint
#2305 opened - 3
- 3
InputField placeholder not rendering Translation
#2300 opened - 2
Update icons-svg-zip automatically
#2244 opened - 1
Popover default close Button with Translation
#2051 opened - 1
CountryFlag missing HTML attributes, like alt
#2041 opened - 5
Transaltion always fallback to default
#2007 opened - 3
List Choice selected value
#2002 opened - 2
- 2
Add align="baseline" into the Stack component
#1929 opened - 4
Sticky Component missing zIndex
#1906 opened - 1
- 3
- 1
PictureCard: allow local images
#1834 opened - 1
- 1
- 2
- 5
- 5
- 0
Incorrect flow type for "getTokens"
#1384 opened - 0
Adopt strict flow
#1383 opened - 0
Collapse component console warning
#1375 opened - 2
Button ref has wrong flow-type
#1367 opened - 0
Add `Nomad_neutral` Illustration.
#1361 opened - 0
Wrong Portal link in Modal component docs
#1359 opened - 2
- 1
Breadcrumbs does not support spaceAfter
#1282 opened - 4
- 0
Extend StatelessStepper styling possibilities
#1251 opened - 1
ButtonLink Component type
#1248 opened - 2
Many icons are missing from TTF font
#1243 opened - 1
{fixed} in FormFeedback
#1239 opened - 0
- 0
- 1
duplicate style?
#1232 opened - 4
CountryFlag code defaultProp 'anywhere'
#1189 opened - 1
TypeError: Cannot read property 'widthBreakpointMediumMobile' of undefined at getBreakpointWidth
#1176 opened - 2
- 0
- 2
<InputField /> - too long error message
#1153 opened - 1
- 1
Carrier badge component
#1128 opened - 0
<NotificationBadge> has `children` prop required
#1124 opened - 0
Update Modal to handle scrollable content
#1116 opened - 3
Unable to set focus to buttons inside Modal
#1108 opened - 1
z-index for inputfields shouldnt be given
#1102 opened - 1
Use useMemo for using randomID
#1094 opened