
How to use `before_record` and another advanced features?

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I try to imitate this behaviour. How can I do it with pytest-recording?

def before_record_cb(request):
    if KB_URL in request.uri:
        request.uri = request.uri.replace(KB_URL, '')
    if (b:=request.body) and KB_URL in b:
        request.body = request.body.replace(KB_URL, '')
    return request

def clean_response(response):
    if KB_URL in (b:=str(response['body'])):
        response['body'] = b.replace(KB_URL, '')
    return response

def add_subpath(func):
    return str(Path(func.__module__, func.__name__))

my_vcr = vcr.VCR(

By the way, I do this from your docs and it doesn't work. I see debugger breakpoint into pytest_recording_configure, but not in jurassic_matcher

def jurassic_matcher(r1, r2):
    assert r1.uri == r2.uri and "JURASSIC PARK" in r1.body, \
        "required string (JURASSIC PARK) not found in request body"

def pytest_recording_configure(config, vcr):
    vcr.register_matcher("jurassic", jurassic_matcher)

By the way, I do this from your docs and it doesn't work. I see debugger breakpoint into pytest_recording_configure, but not in jurassic_matcher

def jurassic_matcher(r1, r2):
assert r1.uri == r2.uri and "JURASSIC PARK" in r1.body,
"required string (JURASSIC PARK) not found in request body"

def pytest_recording_configure(config, vcr):
vcr.register_matcher("jurassic", jurassic_matcher)

I've understood how it works. You just should do if globaly then

def vcr_config():
    return {
        "match_on": ["jurassic"],
        "record_mode": "once"

It is important to have this record_mode and already done casset of request.

Would be good to mention this in the docs.

And for before_record you can do

def vcr_config():
    return {
        "before_record_request": before_record_cb,
        "before_record_response": clean_response,