
[fluentd-elasticsearch] Suggestion: Make awsSigningSidecar port configurable

Closed this issue · 8 comments


When using the awsSigningSidecar; it'd be convenient if the default port was 9200 (rather than 8080). This would make it consistent with the default host/port of the fluent-elasticsearch plugin. This would avoid additional coupling of configuration between the fluentd config and the Helm chart config. (convention-over-configuration, if you will)

Alternatively; allowing this port to be configurable in the Helm chart would allow people to keep the port configuration self-contained within the Helm charts alone e.g via

  enabled: true
  localPort: 9200
  # blah

Happy to submit a small PR if there is interest in taking this on and a name can be agreed upon for the value override.

Good idea to make it configurable :-)
But please keep current default to make it a non breaking change.

Thanks @monotek - sure. How do you feel about the name to give the port variable?

port? :D

You need a PR for this one? @monotek

Yeesh, I forgot about this. Was meaning to create one.

@chadlwilson i can quickly create one.