
Catastrophic memory leak after updating dependencies

ilmari-lauhakangas opened this issue · 0 comments

I pulled the latest changes and did an npm update. When running kiwibnc now, the workers rapidly start to hog memory and won't stop until I either stop the service or oomkiller steps in.

This is on Arch Linux and nodejs version is 19.7.0.

How could I investigate this?

Running with trace level messages does not yield anything interesting:

2023-03-11T13:24:52.085Z [sockets] l_debug Starting sockets
2023-03-11T13:24:52.096Z [sockets] l_info Using config file /var/www/kiwidata/config.ini
2023-03-11T13:24:52.267Z [sockets] l_info Using queue IPC
2023-03-11T13:24:52.269Z [sockets] l_debug initServer()
2023-03-11T13:24:52.272Z [sockets] l_trace Queue sending to worker: ["reset",{"reason":"startup"}]
2023-03-11T13:24:56.030Z [worker] l_debug Starting worker
2023-03-11T13:24:56.039Z [worker] l_info Using config file /var/www/kiwidata/config.ini
2023-03-11T13:24:56.213Z [worker] l_info Using queue IPC
2023-03-11T13:24:56.215Z [worker] l_trace Queue sending to sockets: ["config.reload",null]
2023-03-11T13:24:56.231Z [sockets] l_trace Queue received: ["config.reload",null]

I tried attaching strace to one of the worker processes, but it also doesn't give anything useful.