
Issue with profile image/avatar

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When accessing a poll (ProcessPolls) as a logged user (if that matters) eg. http://localhost/processwire/process_poll/participate/?id=xxxx&token=yyyyyy, this error/warning is shown:

Pageimage: Rename failed: .../wwwroot/site/assets/cache/WireTempDir/.PFM0.15002400T1645557532R5OPQKKM3BRoEZh/0/frog.60x60.jpg => frog.60x60.jpg
WireFileTools: rename: Rename to pathname ($newName) that already exists: .../wwwroot/site/assets/cache/WireTempDir/.PFM0.15002400T1645557532R5OPQKKM3BRoEZh/0/frog.60x60.jpg

frog.60x60.jpg is API resized frog.jpg - an avatar image set in the profile edit. When I comment this line:

else $this->instance->addHookBefore('PagefilesManager::path', function ($e) {$e->replace = true;$e->return = null;}); in the ___render() method, the error goes away. Just to say, my poll/form template only contains a title (PageTitleLanguage) and a checkbox (Toggle).

kixe commented

Fixed. Please check.