
Connecting to AWS Redshift

Closed this issue · 6 comments

So when I try connect to Redshift with SSL off I get the following error

no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::ffff:", user "tes_dev", database "dev", SSL off

When I turn on SSL I get the following error

Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: localhost. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:*.cunpqpffnysy.eu-west-1.redshift.amazonaws.com

I'm using

  • Redshift Driver (dedicated ver) v0.0.4
  • SQLTools v0.27.1
  • VS Code Version: 1.79.0

How do I solve this issue?

Thank you

+1 I have the same issue, but I did not try an SSL connection.

having this same issue (including with SSL).

fyi @ginokhumz @focused i checked requestCert and was able to connect.

@finalgrrrl Can you please elaborate a bit on what you mean.


@finalgrrrl Can you please elaborate a bit on what you mean.

i was seeing the same errors. when you enable SSL, several configuration options for SSL appear. enabling the requestCert option in that UI allowed me to connect.

@finalgrrrl You are a Godsend. That fixed my issue. I also toggled rejectUnauthorized on and off and it ended up connecting.