Output written to disk file
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MrMickS commented
I'm trying to use this module and have the following configuration:
<IfDefine KAFKA>
LoadModule kafka_module modules/mod_kafka.so
<IfModule kafka_module>
# Kafka brokers: host[:port][,host[:port]] (DEFAULT: localhost:9092)
KafkaBrokers ${KAFKA_BROKER}
# Kafka config: optional
KafkaConf global reconnect.backoff.jitter.ms 1000
KafkaConf topic request.timeout.ms 10000
# Kafka output: kafka:topic[@partition] log
CustomLog kafka:${KAFKA_TOPIC} combined
# Kafka output: topic and partition from logfomat
## format : "kafka:topic[@partition]|..."
#LogFormat "kafka:test|%h %l %u %t \"%r\" .." kafka_log
#CustomLog kafka:- kafka_log
I pass in a KAFKA_TOPIC of http_topic and the output is written to a file kafka:http_topic.
If I run with LogLevel debug I see no Kafka module messages.