
help with using your templates please?

andyczerwonka opened this issue · 2 comments

Apologies if this is trivial, but I'm having trouble getting your templates to work. I'm issuing this command...

markdown2pdf test.md --template=~/dev/pandoc-templates/templates/latex.template -o test.pdf

I'm getting the following error: markdown2pdf: ! LaTeX Error: File `vc.tex' not found.

It's trying to load a file with git version information, which doesn't exist. The vc.sty package needs it to put version control information in the footer. In the template, comment out or remove the line (the 5th line I think?) that reads \input{vc} and you should be OK, except the version control footer will now be empty. To get rid of that, comment or remove the line near the bottom, \thispagestyle{kjhgit}.

I haven't updated these templates in a while as I no longer use them. The preambles are out of sync/out of date compared to the stuff in https://github.com/kjhealy/latex-custom-kjh.

That's a really nice workflow to use pandoc. Trying to use it myself. Would you mind updating your pandoc-template/latex-custom-kjh packages?