
Errors in the text

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Hello Dr. Healy,
I've read the paper and I've found it really interesting. The suggested workflow imo doesn't appeal only to social scientists, I am a chemistry student and had already approached some of the application you suggested (LaTeX, R) before finding a reference to your previous paper on tex.sx. I'm learning Emacs (actually I've read it because I needed some encouragement to persevere) and I plan to start using Git. Markdown is not indispensable but it's a clever use of it you describe and one anyone could find useful.
I've found some errors in the text I'm reporting here, but I started keeping track of them only from around page 10. Anyway, here they are:

  • p. 13, the last sentence before the section about markdown is repeated;
  • p. 20, "What I will show you here";
  • p. 23, "Then the show the pandoc commands";
  • p. 23, "The Makefile itself is shown";
  • p. 25, "interpreted as single lines of text";
  • p. 25, the link to Lincoln Mullen's discussion is broken but the Internet Archive -- may it always be blessed -- provides this snapshot;
  • p.25, the paragraph that starts with "The particular steps"... is repeated twice;
  • p. 32, "a box software of software". Too much software.

That's it. Thank you for putting this all online, free.

Kind regards,

PS I would have edited the source had I known how to do it.