
Problem with make pdf

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When I simply do make pdf I get the following error:

pandoc -r markdown+simple_tables+table_captions+yaml_metadata_block --listings -s -S --latex-engine=pdflatex --template=/Users/sergiobacelar/.pandoc/templates/latex.template --filter pandoc-crossref --filter pandoc-citeproc --csl=/Users/sergiobacelar/.pandoc/csl/apsa.csl --filter pandoc-citeproc-preamble --bibliography=/Users/sergiobacelar/Documents/bibs/socbib.bib README.md -o README.pdf
! Undefined control sequence.
l.53 This repository contains a \lstinline

pandoc: Error producing PDF

Note that pandoc is trying to use a README.md file ??? I ignore from where it came.
But all works well if I simply change README in the same pandoc command in the Terminal for the real name of the file plain-person-text. Any suggestion?

Solved. My fault: I had 2 md files in the same folder!