Udacity Nanodegree Project 2

Table of Contents

  • Overview

  • Architectural Diagram

  • Key Steps

    • Automated ML Experiment
    • Deploy the best model
    • Enable App Insights & Logging
    • Swagger Documentation
    • Consume model endpoints
    • Create and publish a pipeline
  • Screen Recording
  • Standout Suggestions
  • References


This projects aims to create a cloud-based machine learning model for the Bank Marketing Dataset, which contains data about marketing campaigns for a bank. We will utilize AutoML for this classification problem. This will let us predict whether a bank product would be subscribed by the client or not.
The project involves:

  • Automated ML Experiment
  • Deploy the best model
  • Enable logging
  • Swagger Documentation
  • Consume model endpoints
  • Create and publish a pipeline

Architectural Diagram

The diagram below illustrates the keys steps of our operation: Architecture

  • We will use Bank Marketing Dataset to create an AutoML. The AutoML will help up find the best model and the best parameters to fit our data.
  • We use the model obtained by the AutoML to train an ML pipeline.
  • We publish the model and the pipeline in order to be ready for consumption.

Key Steps

Step 1: Automated ML Experiment

We first upload our dataset using the dataset's URI: Dataset

After the run is complete, we're able to determine the best model which is the Voting Ensemble with accuracy of 0.91988: Best Model

Step 2: Deploy the best model

We deploy the Voting Ensemble model, which is the best model, using Azure Container Instacne (ACI) while making sure that the Authentication option enabled. Deployment

Step 3: Enable App Insights & Logging

In order to enable Application Insights programmatically, we edited the logs.py script to match the deployed model ID and change App Inights to TRUE. Then, we run the python script. We choose the best model for deployment and enable "Authentication" while deploying the model using Azure Container Instance (ACI). The executed code in logs.py enables Application Insights. "Application Insights enabled" is disabled before executing logs.py. App Insights

Application Insight Logs are presenting: Logs

Step 4: Swagger Documentation

In this step, we setup Swagger to be able to deploy and consume model. We downloaded swagger.json file from deployed model on Azure. Then we ran swagger.sh and serve.py script on Powershell command window. Swagger

Step 5: Consume model endpoints

Then we used endpoint.py script to consume the model endpoints. We first edited the scoring_uri and the key in the script to match the URI and the key of our service. Then, we executed endpoint.py script. Endpoint

Also, we benchmark the endpoint using Apache bench. You can see the benchmark bellow: Benchmark Benchmark

Step 6: Create and publish a pipeline

In this step, we first updated our jupyter notebook variables to match our azure enviroment variables. Then, we deployed our training pipeline and published it.

Pipeline Endpoint: Pipeline

Banking Marketing dataset with AutoML module: Pipeline

Published Pipeline Overview: Pipeline

Run Details Widget: Pipeline

Scheduled Run: Pipeline

Screen Recording


My screen is in full screen mode at 1080p and 16:9 aspect ratio. I used OBS for the recording.

Future Improvements

  • We can increase the Exit Criterion time from 1 hour to the default value of 3 hours to be able to find models of higher accuracy.
  • We can enable deep learning in AutoML
  • We can enable Data drift tracking to ensure accuracy of the model.