
Is there any way to get estimated time to completion?

duruburak opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I was wondering if we can get the real time output of the remaining time to completion in ffmpeg-python?

For example, this is the code.

import ffmpeg
video_part = ffmpeg.input(<<VIDEO_PATH>>)
audio_part = ffmpeg.input(<<AUDIO_PATH>>)
ffmpeg.output(audio_part, video_part, <<OUTPUT_PATH>>).overwrite_output().run_async(pipe_stdout=True)

And I want something like this:
ETA: 2:36

Is it possible? Sorry if it's duplicate.

Did you notice a number like 'speed=5x' at the end of the line when using ffmpeg? This indicates the processing speed in real-time while playing the video. For example, if your video is 10 minutes long, it will take approximately 2 minutes to process at 5x speed

frame= 4849 fps=293 q=28.0 size=     512kB time=00:03:11.84 bitrate=  21.9kbits/s speed=5.1x