
Remove older version after update

Opened this issue · 8 comments

I just installed a new release of this package, going from 2.1.1 to 2.1.5.
After updating, I saw that the older version still existed.

Is it possible to remove the older release after updating? That would be great!

Hi @Fadarrizz, which way of installing the plugin do you use? npm install -g alfred-mdn (or without the -g param?) or downloading the workflow?

It would surprise me that npm installing would leave behind an older version.

Thanks for responding so fast @klaascuvelier.

I've installed it with npm install -g alfred-mdn, but I forgot how I installed the last version.
That may be the problem, I suppose?

Okay, good to know.
Where did you see 2 version of the plugin, inside Alfred app itself then I guess?

They were seen as separate workflows. So when I typed mdn <something> in Alfred, it showed me two results. The first one said there was a new version and gave an error I believe. The second one gave results.

Can you in the Alfred workflows UI right click on both items and either do open in terminal or open in finder to get the 2 paths?
Do you mind posting both paths here?

I'm afraid I've already deleted the older workflow.

Do you know if there could be some remains somewhere on my system that could lead us to the path?

Fairly sure it was caused by having 2 different install methods.
I think if you keep using the npm install method, it'll just overwrite the old version as that's basically how npm works.

Not sure if it's possible to reliably detect if another version of the workflow is install as I'd have to read files from the computer to find Alfred installation folder and installed workflows.

Don't think it's worth the effort.

Good to know, I'll install new updates that way then.

Thanks for your help!