
Invalid certs in busybox image

cbix opened this issue · 0 comments

cbix commented

Thanks for the incredibly useful hugo images! I'm trying to create a simple (Drone) CI pipeline using the klakegg/hugo:busybox image that also does some simple tar.gz download and extraction before the hugo build: (this is from the .drone.yml, not a hugo config)

- name: Build site
  image: klakegg/hugo:busybox
    - mkdir -p .tmp/archive
    - wget -qO - https://example.com/archive.tar.gz | tar -xzC .tmp/archive
    - hugo

However wget (busybox) fails with a "Handshake failure" so I ran the same wget command in a plain busybox container and it worked as expected. After a quick investigation I noticed all the files under /etc/ssl/certs are symlinks to invalid locations.

I did not test if this also affects retrieving data from an https location in a Hugo template and I know I can work around this by running the wget in a separate step but nonetheless this should be fixed IMO ;)