
Add to stackage

Closed this issue ยท 7 comments

Would be great to have vector-hashtables added to stackage nightly.

Update: Blocked by

This is getting more pressing now:

Looks like I have to do this myself.

I can do stackage is Andreas doesn't beat me to it.

I guess I'm late for the party: commercialhaskell/stackage#6872 Thanks, Andreas!

It would be best if the actual maintainer would also be stackage maintainer.
So, Andrey @swamp-agr , if you want to open a PR to stackage instead, I am happy to close mine:

@andreasabel thanks for pointing it out. Please expect PR either from me or from @ulysses4ever soon.

Since commercialhaskell/stackage#6873 is merged, this one can be closed I guess?