
Custom icon not resizing correctly

jvanrijt1983 opened this issue · 1 comments

I was testing this with one of my ownh icons, but i wasn't able to get the right height, even though I user the same code as the icons that are used in the solution.:
Also the icon is not located correctly:

<div><ng-md-icon icon="account_child" size="48"></ng-md-icon><br>account_child</div> <div class="test"> <ng-md-icon icon="Ajax123" size="48"></ng-md-icon><br>Ajax123 </div>


The error is within the code in de d attribute of the path, If I replace the value in the d attribute of Ajax123 with the value of the d attribute of account_child it is working correctly.

My svg is originally 100x100

Already solved it, I had to change the viewbox attribute to 0 0 100 100