
run klassi

Closed this issue · 5 comments


i just start leaning Webdriverio and found this complete library wonderful .
i had clone repo and run npm install , iwould like to run api test so i process with npm test or node index.js --tags @api but the two commands fails any how to use blog?

can you tell me how you are running the command, are you doing so from inside the project folder?
can you share screen shot of your terminal window?

Hello ,
i run npm i
npm test
npm dev
from inside project via VS or via Windows Commande

for second step i installed yarn
i run yarn install
i update chromedriver to 95 .. i thing issue come from here , i changed firefox as browser i have everytime chrome launch with blanck page ( TCP error )

bellow error
`C:\Users\NesrineZOUARI\source\klassi-js>npm test

klassi-js@4.0.3 test
node index.js --disableReport --tags @api

@api @uattest
Feature: The API feature/functionality # features\getMethod.feature:2

@api @uattest
Scenario: Recording API response time, status and content # features\getMethod.feature:4
× failed
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:60577
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16)
Given That I make a GET call to an endPoint
- skipped
Then I expect status code of '200'
- skipped
Then I return the content of the API
- skipped
× failed`

C:\Users\NesrineZOUARI\source\klassi-js>yarn install
C:\Users\NesrineZOUARI\source\klassi-js>yarn run test

C:\Users\NesrineZOUARI\source\klassi-js>yarn run dev
yarn run v1.22.17
$ node index.js --disableReport --tags @search
Feature: Searching for apps with duckduckgo # features\duckDuckGo-search.feature:2

As an internet user
In order to find out more about certain user apps
I want to be able to search for information about the required apps

@uattest @search
Scenario Outline: User inputs some search data # features\duckDuckGo-search.feature:11
× failed
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:59624
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16)
Given The user arrives on the duckduckgo search page

thanks larry for hel , it was due to lack of installation of selenium through yarn add command , we should use npm install instead