- 3
SHA1 hash bug
#100 opened - 10
- 4
- 0
AES in Galois\Counter Mode
#97 opened - 13
bug in cipher-core.js
#96 opened - 2
- 3
Can only hash strings and not integers
#94 opened - 3
- 0
Add 8-bit CFB segment size support
#92 opened - 6
AES Decryption not working
#91 opened - 3
Maximum call stack exceeded
#90 opened - 2
- 7
- 1
Adding a rollup for all components
#87 opened - 5
PBKDF2 with other hashing algorithms
#86 opened - 1
- 4
- 4
- 1
Switch to a more convenient build system
#82 opened - 10
typed array support for IE10
#81 opened - 16
- 1
Rabbit stream cipher failure.
#79 opened - 2
- 0
- 1
Unable to compile with Closure Compiler
#76 opened - 4
Wrong SHA256 value returned
#75 opened - 0
AES-CTR clone issue
#74 opened - 6
- 5
- 2
- 3
- 2
TypeArray support is broken in Safari
#69 opened - 18
Files with certain sizes cause 'Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded ' with SHA1
#68 opened - 14
Support binary input types
#67 opened - 3
Wrong mime-type being served
#66 opened - 2
Performance issue with PBKDF2
#65 opened - 3
- 2
- 5
How do I use Sha256 on a file(binary file such as pdf, image, video, etc...) in javascript?
#62 opened - 4
Add Hex formatter to CryptoJS.lib.Cipher
#61 opened - 2
UTF BOM on line 7 in tripledes.js
#60 opened - 5
- 3
- 2
hmac function ignores sigBytes of key
#57 opened - 9
Add scrypt to the options
#56 opened - 4
CryptoJS.PBKDF2 creates different keys.
#55 opened - 7
Problem with decrypt AES
#54 opened - 3
- 2
Not decoded code using PHP
#52 opened - 2
Slow on IE
#51 opened