caver-js/types/packages/caver-rtm/src/index.d.ts type mismatch
Closed this issue · 3 comments
kkeolmusae commented
klay_getCouncilSize(blockNumber: BlockNumber, callback?: (error: Error, result: number) => void): Promise<number>
여기서 blockNumber 는 optional이라서 blockNumber: BlockNumber
-> blockNumber?: BlockNumber
로 수정되어야 하지 않을까요? 혹시나 아니라면 죄송합니다...
jimni1222 commented
Hi, thank you for reporting this.
i think what you said is correct, and i will modify that.
And klaytn/caver-js is a public repo, so I would appreciate it if you could communicate using English.
Thank you :)
kkeolmusae commented
yes. thank you! 👍👍👍