
inject working only when I get variable src!

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I've been working injecting some files into html:

The next code does not inject anything..

   return gulp.src(config.index)
        .pipe($.inject(gulp.src(config.js), { read: false })

but I store src into a variable like this:

    var g1 = gulp.src(config.index);
    return g1.pipe(wiredep(wiredepOptions))

it does inject properly.

I was following John Papa tutorial and everything was fine til this moment.
I've also been looking for information but nothing exactly like this.

I don't understand what's going on there, if someone can help it would be wonderful

Thank you!

There are more differences between the first code example and the second... Take a look at the parentheses they don't match in the way I think you intended in the first example (which probably is the reason for the code not working).

When indenting everything on parentheses you'll see the issue more clear:

Code snippet 1 reindented:

   return gulp.src(config.index)
            { read: false }  // also notice that this options object should be passed to `gulp.src` and not this plugin
          .pipe( // <- here's your problem, this is placed at the wrong level (compare with next snippet)

Code snippet 2 reindented:

    var g1 = gulp.src(config.index);
    return g1.pipe(