no files injected when setting the property.
Opened this issue · 4 comments
PeresZapfack commented
When using the name option, I get a gulp-inject Nothing to inject into index.tpl.html.
It work well using the starttag option
joakimbeng commented
Please provide an example of how your index.tpl.html
looks like and also a snippet of how you're using gulp-inject
PeresZapfack commented
the index.tpl.html is below:
<!-- Header - Public Navigation -->
<si-header menu="menu" fixed="fixPageHeader()"></si-header>
<!-- Main page content -->
<div id="page-content" ng-style="pageContentStyle()">
<!-- Footer -->
<si-footer menu="menu"></si-footer>
<!-- Scripts -->
<!-- inject:vendors:js -->
<!-- endinject -->
here is a snippet of the gulp task
gulp.task('html', ['css', 'vendorjs', 'templatesjs', 'scripts', 'config'], function () {
del.sync([config.buildDir + '/index.html']);
/* */
var vendorJs = gulp.src([config.buildDir + '/vendor*'], { read: false });
/* */
return gulp.src(config.appIndexHtmlTpl)
.pipe(inject(vendorJs, {removeTags: true, ignorePath: '/build', addRootSlash: false, name: 'vendors'} ))
But it works fine when I use the starttag option.
develmts commented
Have you tried to use <!-- vendors:js -->
instead of <!-- inject:vendors:js -->
as open tag?
Refer to Basic usage option name example
joakimbeng commented
@PeresZapfack: The solution @develmts suggests should work.