A way to use transform while spitting out correct script/link tags?
george-norris-salesforce opened this issue · 2 comments
george-norris-salesforce commented
Is there a way to use transform (to modify a path) while at the same time using injects detecting of file type and spitting out correct and/or <script>?
{ transform: filePath => (
//spits out correct path
//but no html <link> or <script> tag
SamanthaAdrichem commented
I would like to know this too. I want to add a query parameter with a unique checkout hash to prevent caching.
SamanthaAdrichem commented
Actually, google answered me : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32077264/how-to-change-path-when-including-file-with-gulp-inject
.pipe( $.inject(
gulp.src( ['src/main/webapp/static/dist/**/*.js'], { read : false } ), {
addRootSlash : false,
//ignorePath : 'src/main/webapp',
transform : function ( filePath, file, i, length ) {
var newPath = filePath.replace( 'src/main/webapp/', '' );
console.log('inject script = '+ newPath);
return '<script src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/' + newPath + '"></script>';
} ))