[Bug]: Warning in Logs with each restart of the Awtrix Adapter
Opened this issue · 2 comments
I'm sure that
- This issue is still present in the current beta version of this adapter
- There is no other (open) issue with the same topic (use the search!)
- This issue is not described in the adapter documentation / FAQ (read the docs!)
Version of awtrix-light firmware
The problem
With each restart of the adapter, the Admin adapter shows this warning in the Log:
_awtrix-light has an invalid jsonConfig: [{"instancePath":"/items/_customApps/items/customApps/items/16/data","schemaPath":"#/items/allOf/2/then/properties/data/type","keyword":"type","params":{"type":"object"},"message":"must be object"},{"instancePath":"/items/_customApps/items/customApps","schemaPath":"#/patternProperties/%5E.%2B/allOf/48/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match \"then\" schema"},{"instancePath":"/items/_customApps","schemaPath":"#/properties/items/patternProperties/%5E.%2B/allOf/9/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match \"then\" schema"},{"instancePath":"","schemaPath":"#/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match \"then\" schema"}]_
iobroker.current.log (in debug mode!)
No response
Version of nodejs
Version of ioBroker js-controller
Version of adapter
Thanks for reporting a new issue @andiweli!
- Please make sure your topic is not covered in the documentation
- Please attach all necessary log files (in debug mode!), screenshots and other information to reproduce this issue
- Search for the issue topic in other/closed issues to avoid duplicates!
Otherwise this issue will be closed.
I know. If the schema is incomplete, the validation will fail and logs a warning... My suggestion was: