
[Bug]: Warning in Logs with each restart of the Awtrix Adapter

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm sure that

  • This issue is still present in the current beta version of this adapter
  • There is no other (open) issue with the same topic (use the search!)
  • This issue is not described in the adapter documentation / FAQ (read the docs!)

Version of awtrix-light firmware


The problem

With each restart of the adapter, the Admin adapter shows this warning in the Log:

_awtrix-light has an invalid jsonConfig: [{"instancePath":"/items/_customApps/items/customApps/items/16/data","schemaPath":"#/items/allOf/2/then/properties/data/type","keyword":"type","params":{"type":"object"},"message":"must be object"},{"instancePath":"/items/_customApps/items/customApps","schemaPath":"#/patternProperties/%5E.%2B/allOf/48/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match \"then\" schema"},{"instancePath":"/items/_customApps","schemaPath":"#/properties/items/patternProperties/%5E.%2B/allOf/9/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match \"then\" schema"},{"instancePath":"","schemaPath":"#/if","keyword":"if","params":{"failingKeyword":"then"},"message":"must match \"then\" schema"}]_

iobroker.current.log (in debug mode!)

No response

Version of nodejs


Version of ioBroker js-controller


Version of adapter


Thanks for reporting a new issue @andiweli!

  1. Please make sure your topic is not covered in the documentation
  2. Please attach all necessary log files (in debug mode!), screenshots and other information to reproduce this issue
  3. Search for the issue topic in other/closed issues to avoid duplicates!

Otherwise this issue will be closed.

I know. If the schema is incomplete, the validation will fail and logs a warning... My suggestion was:
