
Raspberry first generation

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Considering that I have some Raspberry Pi boards laying around at home, I took some time to build a private server with one of these.

An OwnCloud server is up and running flawlessly. Now I was just hopping to get jupyter nb running on it too, maybe with some integration which lead me to this repository. Since there is no info about it in the readme I kindly ask.

Which are the limitations to apply it for the first raspberry generation? Have you tried?


I first installed an IPython notebook server on a Raspberry Pi 1 under Raspbian wheezy. One thing that I struggled with at that time was to build pandoc which is essential for document conversion.
Jessie now includes a suitable version of pandoc which can be installed with apt-get. I have not tried with a first generation Pi under Jessie but I am fairly confident that this can be made to work. When I created the repository I wanted to install the most recent versions of required packages and wanted the server to be fully functional. Might be possible and faster (but less up to date) to install more packages using apt-get. Best Regards and Best of Luck - your efforts will pay off: a notebook server is really a nice tool for so many things.


On Jul 16, 2016, at 8:48 PM, thalesmaoa notifications@github.com wrote:

Considering that I have some Raspberry Pi boards laying around at home, I took some time to build a private server with one of these.

An OwnCloud server is up and running flawlessly. Now I was just hopping to get jupyter nb running on it too, maybe with some integration which lead me to this repository. Since there is no info about it in the readme I kindly ask.

Which are the limitations to apply it for the first raspberry generation? Have you tried?

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Jupyter Notebook Server on Raspberry Pi 1

The procedure given below sets up a BASIC Jupyter Notebook server on top of Raspbian Jessie Lite. We mostly use packages in the Jessie repository.

Basic Server Installation on Raspbian Jessie Lite

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y python3
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev
sudo pip3 install jupyter

Starting the Server

jupyter notebook --ip=

Adding two Packages for Data Analysis

sudo pip3 install python3-pandas
sudo pip3 install python3-matloptlib

Adding Packages for Document Conversion

sudo apt-get install -y pandoc
sudo apt-get install -y texlive
sudo apt-get install -y texlive-latex-extra
sudo apt-get install -y dvipng


run jupyter notebook --generate-config to generate a configuration file that you can tweak to suit your needs.

It took me a day to install all packages, but worked fine.
Needed some extra packages to run Octave Kernel as well but it is fine!

On 17/07/2016 07:43, Eckhard Kleine wrote:

Jupyter Notebook Server on Raspberry Pi 1

The procedure given below sets up a BASIC Jupyter Notebook server on
top of Raspbian Jessie Lite. We mostely use packages in the Jessie

Basic Server Installation on Raspbian Jessie Lite

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y python3
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-dev
sudo pip3 install jupyter

Starting the Server

jupyter notebook --ip=

Adding two Packages for Data Analysis

sudo pip3 install python3-pandas
sudo pip3 install python3-matloptlib

Adding Packages for Document Conversion

sudo apt-get install -y pandoc
sudo apt-get install -y texlive
sudo apt-get install -y texlive-latex-extra
sudo apt-get install -y dvipng


run |jupyter notebook --generate-config| to generate a configuration
file that you can tweak to suit your needs.

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