
QUestion with a armv7l laptop

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I installed the scripts in which I had jupyter from a previous installed and I'mm looking to run jupyter notebook.

I maybe should have uninstalled the miniconda ... and all the other things before installing this github scripts.... but anyways I could try again also unless I find a resolve to get jupyter notebook going...

Am I missing the command only or is it missing from my path cause its the previous install path?

jupyter: 'notebook' is not a Jupyter command

any help is appreciated
this is a chromebook running slackware. And I'm loking to have jupyter notebook going as to start practicing with the languages beginner

My scripts were originally intended to be used on a Raspberry Pi. I never used slackware / chrome books and hence cannot comment. From a quick search on Goggle I can only imagine that this takes some tweaking.

The command to start the server is jupyter notebook. Please report back if you succeed as it might be interesting to others.

Best Regards & Best of Luck


Had no further feedback on this issue that isn't related to the intended platform.