
Taking Too Long

awais922609 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi As I start this tool it only shows that it's starting and only (?constructor%5Bprototype%5D%5Bppmap%5D=reserved) this is executed and then it just keeps on working. Even I had given him an hour but still no result and not even a next payload. Can you kindly guide me with this problem.

Can you please attach a quick video/GIF when running the program or at least tell me the command you are using? I think this might be a connectivity issue, not a software problem. Never faced such issues.

As you can see in image that It is just working for 1st line and doing same for all other urls while internet connection is pretty good and everything else is working fine but ppmap is stucking here. Please help me.

There might be a problem with your Chrome Headless, however I can't confirm this yet. Have you installed Chrome/Chromium and Chromedp module like the instructions says? https://github.com/kleiton0x00/ppmap#requirements
Also please try the command again but this time using the precompiled version instead of generating your own one from the code as there might be issues in your environment. Feel free to download it here: https://github.com/kleiton0x00/ppmap/releases/download/v1.1.2/ppmap
Edit: Why not trying the same command however wrapping the url with ' '
echo 'https://msrkp.github.io/pp/2.html' | ./ppmap

Closing the issue due to long inactivity.