
Update FontForge Homebrew Formula with Python extension

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Our build script requires FontForge with the Python extension. (Or alternatively, the Adobe Font Development Kit in combination with the RoboFab and UFO2FDK packages. AFDKO is closed-source and also non-trivial to install.) To make the build scripts accessible on OS X, a proper HomeBrew Formula is required.

I’ve had no luck adding the python extension to the formula:


I would be very happy if someone with more experience with makefiles and distutils (the documentation is really bad, no?) could take a look at this.

I did add a nifty gizmo though: running
$ brew install fontforge --HEAD
automagically fetches the latest revision from fontforge’s development tree and installs it.

Right, this is fixed. See Homebrew/legacy-homebrew#4689 . Updated install instructions in ufo2otf accordingly in ab3b5a4