
Fontforge needs to pretty-print glyph data the same as Robofab

codingisacopingstrategy opened this issue · 3 comments

To accept patches from FontForge users, the data needs to be formatted the same as the existing data—otherwise it becomes hard to track changes in the versioning system.

This is a Robofab generated font roundtripped through fontforge:
There’s some more issues here but they should be addressed in separate tickets.

Robofab uses Python XML Sax which seems to work similar to Libxml2: as using Nokigiri on the ufo data works very well in maintaining the same pretty-print.

Here’s how Fontforge ideally should output the Glyph XML:

  • When the curve is unsmooth, this is default, so you don’t mention it:

     <point x="424" y="489" type="curve" smooth="no"/>
     <point x="419" y="678" type="curve"/>
  • hex value’s should be uppercase

    <unicode hex="00d6"/>
    <unicode hex="00D6"/>
  • outline components should be organised alphabetically:

    <component base="grave" xOffset="205" yOffset="228"/>
    <component base="O" xOffset="1"/>
    <component base="O" xOffset="1"/>
    <component base="grave" xOffset="205" yOffset="228"/>

Good point. I’m not yet up to speed how all this works so I’m not sure how to go about doing it.

I’ve brought this issue up on the fontforge-devel mailing list:


It’s up to the FontForge dev’s now, I hope they can implement this.
I don’t know FontForge’s codebase well enough to write a patch…
Anyone reading this is welcome to do so of course :)

This actually got implemented in the FontForge codebase:


Another problem remains with FontForge output, but I will file a seperate bug for that.