
Set / get. Price / cost. Consistency makes is easier to read.

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function setArbitrationPrice(uint _arbitrationPrice) public onlyOwner {
arbitrationPrice = _arbitrationPrice;

function arbitrationCost(bytes _extraData) public view returns(uint fee) {
return arbitrationPrice;

Believe me or not, for a few moments I was analyzing what is the difference between PRICE and COST


function setArbitrationPrice(uint _arbitrationPrice) public onlyOwner { arbitrationPrice = _arbitrationPrice; }
function getArbitrationPrice(bytes _extraData /* unused */) public view returns(uint fee) { return arbitrationPrice; }

Developers across frameworks and languages are familiar with get / set and here it is simple enough.

Well, you are right. But arbitrationCost function is in the standard already. We could use the same name for the variable and then we could have setArbitrationCost function. But the problem is a variable with the same name shadows function declaration. This problem may be solved in Solidity compiler in future, then we can reconsider.