
help: compiling a project

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Hello everybody

I try to compile old source code I found somewhere. Some info I know already about it

  • original source code


Run menu.exe in DOSBox (https://www.dosbox.com/) to see this:


The screenshot is the program that I want to compile by using Tvision (if possible).

Is there anybody who can look at it and tell me if there is a way to compile it by using Tvision?
I'm a complete beginner...
So my question: is somebody interested to look at the code and try to compile it using Visual Studio and Tvision in order to get a modern code and executable that's doing the same as the original code? If the user interface is displayed, that would be already great.
I don't know if the old code even uses Tvision (i'm a beginner)

Thanks for the help!

I never used Tvision myself and also not the modern Tvision on github here (I still need to learn it).
So if somebody wants to help, I really need a Visual Studio project that I can open and just compile.
I only have very basic C language knowledge :-)

Will try to have look on that.

PS. I need to restart tvision development ๐Ÿค”
First I need to add some UTF-8 terminal driver.

Will try to have look on that.

PS. I need to restart tvision development ๐Ÿค” First I need to add some UTF-8 terminal driver.

Thank you SO MUCH!!

So to make a summary so you know exactly what I want:

  • have a visual studio project I can open and compile

  • use parts of the source code that just generate the user interface (I don't need anything else)

  • some files are read to display the contents of the user interface (the games list, ...). I don't know if this is specific MS-DOS code or not. This I would like to have running if possible (since otherwise the user interface is empty)
    I think it are the files TL01.DAT to TL09.DAT but not sure.

  • no functionality: no MS-DOS things, no functionality for buttons etc ... (those can be empty event handler functions so I can write code in there myself)

  • the result should be as in the screenshot (or close to it)

Thanks for the help!

@kloczek : maybe you can use this updated version of tvision?
I also asked the same question there too.


It seems it's not using Tvision at all (as you can read there)

I saw that version and have slightly different ideas about how to approach to solve some internal legacy issue and moving to full 16bit internal color coding and handle UTF ๐Ÿ˜„

I saw that version and have slightly different ideas about how to approach to solve some internal legacy issue and moving to full 16bit internal color coding and handle UTF ๐Ÿ˜„

Ow ok!
It was just an idea.
As you can read my question there, the developer says this MS-DOS program does not use Tvision.
So then my question becomes: do you want to make an application that replicates the screenshot using tvision (if that's possible)?
No functionality; just the user interface :)

You use DOSBox (https://www.dosbox.com/) to run this program and see exactly what it's doing.

To be honest I'm less (personally) interested to handle old DOS env and and more fully and corretly port TVIsion to modern Unixes (Linux, Solaris. BSD*).
However if soeone will be interested to integrate same adaptaions to allow still use TVision on old DOS I can promisse that I'll never say "no" ๐Ÿ˜„