
Feature Request - Add unique id to automation in order to debug

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello Klogg,
as you know HA released the possibility to debug automation but as of now this is allowed only for those that have an unique id.
Can I prepare a pull request adding the unique ID for each automtion in the garden package? What do you think?
Thank you

Seems like a good idea.

I haven't added IDs to a many of my automations, only a couple I wanted to debug. I don't want to get too protective of my code but for the ones I have added I simply used the automation name and unless there is a convincing reason to do otherwise I would rather keep to that system for this package.


  #=== Master Control switch ON
  - alias: Irrigation Master Control Switch ON
    id: irrigation_master_control_switch_on

So, yes by all means prepare a pull request or you can wait for me to get round to doing it ;-)

Done in July 2021 Update