
Rainfall current multiplier problem

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi everyone,
unfortunately I found a problem about the rainfall current multiplier..why does it is set to 0 even when it's not raining instead that 1?
If I check the "adjust for rainfall" box, in fact, the integration reduce the irrigation time to 0..is there my fault about the identification of the weather sensor or a little mistake on the code of it which I can solve by myself?
I couldn't integrate smartweather because now token works only with our personal weather station and not more with anyone else found on their website :-(

I believe this is because you have 'unknown' for yesterday's rainfall.

I believe this is because you have 'unknown' for yesterday's rainfall.

How could I solve this? is it possible to create a sensor starting from rainfall today (maybe creating a 48h rainfall sensor-raifall today) or force it to 0?

I have tried a few different ways, both with local sensors and internet weather, I will post my settings at some point.

(Updated image 2022 09 25)

My today and yesterday rain sensors:

  # https://github.com/petergridge/openweathermaphistory added via HACS
  - platform: openweathermaphistory
    name: "rainfactor"
    # If latitude and longitude left out, it uses the home assistant configured Latitude and Longitude,
    # latitude: -33.8302547
    # longitude: 151.1516128
    api_key: !secret openweathermap_api_key
    num_days: 5
    day0min: 1
    day0max: 5
    day1min: 6
    day1max: 10
    day2min: 11
    day2max: 15
    day3min: 16
    day3max: 20
    day4min: 21
    day4max: 25
    fine_icon: "mdi:weather-sunny"
    lightrain_icon: "mdi:weather-rainy"
    rain_icon: "mdi:weather-pouring"

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Rain Last 24 Hours"
        unit_of_measurement: "mm"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.rainfactor', 'day_0_rain') }}"

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Rain Last 24-48 hours"
        unit_of_measurement: "mm"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.rainfactor', 'day_1_rain') }}"

I did have any issue, with the rain multiplier not changing even with rain over the last few days, will post a screenshot when it's been raining.
In the meantime, here is one with no rain.


Isn't possible to use free API to receive the openweathermaphistory data, isn't it?
For that information is necessary a payment account if I've not misunderstodd what's written in open weather map website.

Yes you can use it for free, see the line in my code:

Seems to be working fine now:

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