
How to incorporate into Tileserver GL

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I notice that the latest version of Tileserver GL does not display Chinese, Japanese or Korean place names in their native language. I'm assuming that klokantech-gl-fonts are meant to address that problem. Can someone point me towards the documentation regarding how to incorporate them into Tileserver GL? Thanks.

Easy to do when you've found the command! While looking for a solution, I came to your question!

  1. Generate the _output directory with generate.js
  2. Update the config file of your server to point to this directory, for instance
    "fonts": "/usr/lib/node_modules/klokantech-noto-sans/_output",
  3. Restart your server
  4. Last and most important, enjoy this nice stuff!

Now you should see lines like
GET /fonts/Noto%20Sans%20Regular/0-255.pbf 200

For used fonts not in this directory you'll still see lines like
ERROR: Font not found: Arial Unicode MS Regular
ERROR: Trying to use Noto Sans Regular as a fallback

N. B.: I was speaking about klokantech-noto-sans, here the output directory is already generated, even easier then: see maptiler/tileserver-gl#247.

@klokan, Great work, with a few missing lines in the documentation.

Even easier: extract https://github.com/openmaptiles/fonts/releases/download/v2.0/v2.0.zip to the directory mentioned earlier as "fonts".