
No output file was created in Klusta

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I'm having trouble running Klusta on my Nwb file that I downloaded from Neurodata without borders. Although Klusta reports that it ran successfully, no output file is created. It could be because I could not extract the electrode positions from the file, I tried to do it several times, still could not extract that information.

You can find all the relevant files in the dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/r1r6bxu1dtjpukphixso8/AIJ_NgRzqzUksQj2KEIqRrQ?rlkey=5zg0mdb5rsshlb8ysm8nvwa9q&st=gisq144o&dl=0

Any guidance on how to debug this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!