A powerful Java RESTful application based on Jersey using Mentabean ORM
Feel free to use this project as template for your RESTful web application. Enjoy it!
- Java 8+
- Jersey (JAX-RS)
- MentaBean (ORM)
- MentaContainer (IoC)
- HikariCP (Connection pool)
- Jackson (JSON provider)
- JodaTime (Date/Time)
- Jetty (Web servers)
- H2 Database (Database engine)
- Swagger (interactive API documentation)
- Grizzly (as embedded web server)
- H2 Database (as embedded in-memory database)
- Jersey Client (as REST client)
To run this RESTful web service you can just clone this repository and run
mvn jetty:run
Then, access your API docs in http://localhost:8080/RestApp/docs