Example of how to send data
Opened this issue · 3 comments
First of all, thanks for creating this lib, i cannot find any lib for sending data to logstash which uses ssl.
Second, i dont know if i'm doing something wrong, i just sending some string to logger object do not work at all
Do i need to send information in any special format? Or just sengind a string should work?
logger.info('hello world')
Hi, is the logger filtering out info statements by any chance? Did you try sending a message with warning or error priority?
Yeah I am having the same issue. Does this support python 3? I have it set up the same as the example, but when I do a simple logger.info('this is info')
I get:
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
Any ideas here? Thanks
Nevermind, it was a python3 thing, wrapping the pickle function in bytes(self.format(record) + "\n", encoding='UTF-8')
worked good for me. A little python 2 disclaimer would be nice though. Thanks