
backbone-relational, troubles with batch set if already have listeners that update same model

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have a model, and wrapped it to ViewModel

var model1 = new Model1();
var viewModel =  new ViewModel(model1);

I update model with two options:

model1.set( "propB", "val2" ); 
model1.set( { propA: "val1", propB: "val2.2" } ); 

All works fine before I have another model that listen my model and change their properties in listener

model2.listenTo(model1, "change:propA", function(){   
   model1.set("propC", "val3" );
} )

in this case batch set to model like

model1.set( { propA: "val1", propB: "val2.2" } ); 

did not update observable, and viewModel is out of date.

live sample

Thank you for reporting this. Is should be fixed in the next release

seems issue still there.

test for this issue is not fully correct.

model1.listenTo(model1, "change:propA", function(){
   model1.set("propC", "val3" );
} )

in my example is important as well as using backbone.relational

I've merged in the test. It looks like it passes when the atrributes are set in difference calls to set, but not in one call.

Can I clarify something? Have you definitely determined that this is a Backbone-Relational issue (issue 485) so we can wait for a patch or do you need me to investigate?

I'm pretty sure that PaulUithol/Backbone-relational#485 is a reason.

knockback use changedAttributes to determine what is changed. But Backbone-Relational loose this info in some cases since they use event queue.

For now, workaround is using setImmediate inside handler that change another model's property