- 3
- 4
UTF-8 MISO Error
#403 opened by Wolsen21 - 3
Handling rate limits in hit_ercot_api.
#415 opened by buckfeng - 2
hit_ercot_api not taking query parameters
#413 opened by buckfeng - 1
#410 opened by WillKoehrsen - 6
Branch shadow prices
#407 opened by Sparhiz - 5
Downloading data for PJM throws ` JSONDecodeError`
#350 opened by petervanya - 4
Forecast Time of CAISO
#291 opened by leoniewgnr - 2
typing support?
#365 opened by tamird - 0
ERCOT 60-Day DAM Disclosure missing files
#358 opened by iamanonym0us - 0
Handle repeated hour in SPP 5 minute data
#357 opened by kmax12 - 4
Support Pandas 2.0.1
#228 opened by kmax12 - 2
ERCOT API Now Requires Key
#339 opened by WillKoehrsen - 4
EIA_API_KEY for local testing
#332 opened by tylercecil - 2
Minor issue- broken link in README
#326 opened by syphax - 2
Use poetry for dependency management
#330 opened by WillKoehrsen - 1
IESO Zonal Demand Values Missing
#344 opened by WillKoehrsen - 5
Allow access to raw ISO interconnection queue data?
#305 opened by jdangerx - 0
#333 opened by kmax12 - 3
NYISO interconnection queue columns have changed
#323 opened by TrentonBush - 0
Address Warnings when Building Docs
#328 opened by WillKoehrsen - 3
EIA_API_KEY in GitHub Actions
#310 opened by WillKoehrsen - 2
- 2
NYISO Missing Data Pages
#309 opened by WillKoehrsen - 1
- 1
Define expected datatypes for datasets
#304 opened by bendnorman - 0
- 2
- 3
- 1
Support SPP Curtailments
#190 opened by kmax12 - 0
Add ERCOT System Lambda
#269 opened by kmax12 - 3
#271 opened by jcfd3 - 0
Load Forecast, ISO Agnostic
#268 opened by colinpbowen - 0
ISO-New England: Load Forecasts
#267 opened by colinpbowen - 0
NYISO: Load Forecasts
#265 opened by colinpbowen - 0
Switch MISO Day Ahead LMP Data Source
#245 opened by kmax12 - 0
#264 opened by colinpbowen - 0
ERCOT: Load Forecasts
#259 opened by colinpbowen - 1
ERCOT Settlement Point and Electrical Bus Mapping
#255 opened by colinpbowen - 2
CMRI data is now available via OASIS. Can you please add Capacity Testing data set WEIM_RSE_CAPACITY_TEST?
#250 opened by ThinkCode - 2
Can you tell me from which website did you collect the 'isone_load' data?
#249 opened by laplace666666 - 0
Improve ISONE load forecast data source
#248 opened by kmax12 - 2
- 0
Add ERCOT ECRS Ancillary Product
#233 opened by xmattyshea - 4
- 9
- 0
Add EIA Client to Documentation
#219 opened by kmax12 - 0
Fix plots: Make load_over_time Function Dynamic
#209 opened by tichmangono - 1
Support More ERCOT Historical Load
#187 opened by kmax12 - 0