I built this app as a demonstration of some of the advantages that ReactiveUI and Reactive Extensions give you over the typical MVVM frameworks out there.
- Reactive Extensions source code on GitHub
- ReactiveUI source code on GitHub
- DynamicData source code on GitHub
- Dynamic.Trader - a stock trading app built with ReactiveUI and DynamicData
- ReactiveUI Fody
- Rxx - extesions to Reactive Extensions
- NEventSocket - reactive socket implementation
- RxCookbook
- IntroToRx.com
- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
- Make Async Your Buddy With Reactive Extensions by Phil Haack
- Master time with Reactive Extensions by Phil Haack
- Writing a ContinueAfter method for Rx by Phil Haack
- Reactive Manifesto
- Rx in practice by Tomasz Polański
- Series: Reactive Extensions in theory and practice
- UserError on StackOverflow
Who's using Rx